Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Paper Training: The best way to potty train your dog when you do not have the time.

October 6, 2010

Before I got Silver, I have already researched on how to potty train a dog. In the shelter, we do not potty train our dogs there  as they stay in a in a 20 x 20 square meter fence, freely moving around in the area. We have kennelmates who regularly makes sure that the area is clean and free from smell.  Going back to Silver,   I found out that there are many ways to potty train a house pet.  There is the crate training, the clicker training and the paper training.

I will be focusing on paper training as this is the best method that worked for me since I am very busy woman and I do not have the time to bring the dog out on scheduled intervals.

The best way for me and it worked!

Puppies will eliminate everywhere if not trained. And it will take roughly about 2 weeks for them to learn how to potty in a specific spot.

If you have enough space in your house or apartment, you can confine your puppy to a small, 'puppy-proofed' room or area and  fill the entire floor with paper.  Put everything there: his food bowls , his toys, his treats . While your puppy is confined in this area , he is developing a habit of eliminating on paper because no matter where he goes, it will be on paper. As time goes on, he will start to show a preferred place to do his business. When this place is well established and the rest of the papers remain clean all day, then gradually reduce the area that is papered.

Start removing the paper that is furthest away from his chosen location. Eventually you will only need to leave a few sheets down in that area only.
I live with my husband in an apartment condominium . Condominiums , unlike houses, have very limited areas, thus,  we  cannot afford to  allot  a  special space for a “puppy potty place”.

And , this  is what we did. Whenever our dog, Silver pees or poos, we cover it immediately with newspaper. We let it stay for three  minutes allowing the dog to smell the paper with his  pee or poo. After three minutes, we take out the soiled paper. We wipe the floor with detergent to eliminate odor. We do this regularly until he has gotten used to it. It only took us two  weeks to train him to do it on paper. Now, even when we are at work, he does his business on the paper.

The key to successful house training is consistency and patience. Never scold or punish your puppy for mistakes and accidents. In fact, praise him when he has done his job.   When Silver  was young and new to us , whenever he did his business, he felt so guilty that he runs under bed after doing his thing. We didn’t see this  as a healthy habit . In fact,  we always encourage him to poo and pee regularly . And when he does it, we always praise and say, “Good job Silver!!! 

Now, whenever he does it, he runs to us happily as if saying, “ I did it!!”.

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